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Thursday, February 26, 2009 wah.. haribulan hijrah ari ane 1 rabiulawal 1430. na trasa. na g bth maulidurrasul. ingat bila anak2 soma? 12 haribulan rabiulawal~~
ngantok. krg aku class 9-5 nada break. escape 1 class x? HAHAHA nada bah at 7:16 AM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 i got this email from c khai. interesting!
The Chinese believe "cold arises from the feet" and "a person's aging starts from the feet". The feet are the source of hidden troubles for premature senility and pathological changes in the human body. The Chinese believe that every meridian point in our feet is a part of our body system; therefore foot reflexology is the ideal treatment for the elderly, the stressed executive, the sportsman, in fact just about anybody. But did you know that just by observing the shape of a person's feet and legs, you can learn about their characteristics, personality traits and innermost secrets? ♥When legs are long, lean and smooth, this suggests the person will enjoy a smooth sailing life with few obstacles. You are an active, hardworking and helpful person. You are likely to have a very good life before your thirties. After 30, your life depends on other destiny indicators. ♥When your legs are short relative to your body, this suggests you are smart, attentive and quiet. You prefer jobs which do not require you to deal with too many people. You may face some obstacles before your thirties, but after that your luck improves tremendously for the better. ♥Someone who walks with an inward splay suggests they are low profile, preferring the stable life rather than taking risks. ♥If you walk with a splayed feet, it suggests you are a busybody. You can be more into other people's business than your own. You love to show off to others and are usually very talkative. ♥When feet are bony, this suggests a poor person. Life has many difficulties and it is a struggle to make life go smoothly. So do try to fatten up your feet. Nothing like good fleshy feet to bring the good life! ♥When your toes are sharp in shape, it suggests you are the black sheep of the family. You love to spend money but are lazy to work; it indicates a lack of great achievement in life. ♥When your feet are meaty and smooth, it suggests you will become very prosperous and rich. It is also an indication that such a person's family is very rich, belonging to the privileged class. ♥When your toenails are round in shape and smooth, especially if you are a woman, this suggests you will marry a rich husband. ♥When your toes are tiny, this suggests you are a responsible and honest person. People with tiny toes are said to make good spouse material. ♥When you feet are big, (size 8 and above for men and size 7 and above for women) this indicates you are a "survivor". You can deal with any kinds of problems, setbacks, obstacles or difficult people. You are decisive and can provide strong leadership. ♥When your middle toe is the longest among your toes, it is not a good indication as it suggests your destiny could turn irksome during middle age. You could suffer from a perpetual shortage of money and face obstacles that block your success. ♥When your second toe is longer than your big toe, this suggests you will have plenty of food on the table and plenty of friends around you. You impress others with your good heart, so many will speak well of you. But you need to work hard to maintain your increasingly extravagant lifestyle. ♥When your feet are small (size 6 and below for men and size 5 and below for women) you should take good care of your nose or breathing system. You are mature and prudent but should learn to overcome your jealous nature and tendencies, as they could bring about your downfall or be a major source of unhappiness. ♥The colour of your toes can not only indicate the condition of your health, it can also indicate your potential for wealth. Toes which are milky white and transparent suggest you will have a stable life. Grey toes suggest you will have a tough life. The best colour however is reddish, which suggests someone rich and successful. ♥When your toes are big, this suggests you are a leader. You can be a very stubborn person, hot tempered and possessive, but you can arouse great passion in others. ♥When your toes are meaty and uneven in size, it suggests you have the luck to own property and enjoy good fortune. You have the potential to become a property tycoon. at 9:25 AM
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 wahh sudah lama ya saya tidak mengupdate ini bloggy. haha. ahm. masa 2 yg BMT(Bruleeds Mini Tournament) atu nada bgtau ah rsult hahahah. psl kalah bah yatah na mo gto hhahaha. na papa. kame baru2. huahuahuauhaa. maseh kiut,maseh muda,maseh damet. yang penting kame soma tried our very best. hmm. antara gambar2 nya adalah seperti berikut: aku trabang wahhh. hahahhaha gylaaa..raged ehh babu geta,aku gs! hahahhaha tunjuk ajar ku sifu haha ane pmain2 netball bruleeds sampet nya mua hahahha gambar2 yg lawa atu courtesy yg urg 2urg atu. hahahha. timakseh =) at 11:21 PM
Monday, February 23, 2009 I couldn't imagine what it would be without you.
I don't ever want to lose you. Promise me you will never let go. I love you, only you. Forever and ever. ♥8112005♥ at 8:44 PM
Sunday, February 22, 2009 SELAMAT HARI KEBANGSAAN YANG KE 25 NEGARA BRUNEI DARUSSALAM! first time tah nyambut ari kbngsaan dluar negara ne ahah at 6:25 PM
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 ane beberapa gambar yg ku curi dri blog2 urg hahaha. hak cipta terpelihara haha pncuri. ane cicit nene ku yg ke 8(correct me if i'm wrong) haha
cua takan. basar tu jadinya. magic. kiut kan haha
kan balek ku. bye. flight ku sok ne. k london ku dlu. byeee soma. aku balekk..byeeeeeee. na mo bljar. na mo peksa. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee at 4:25 PM
urg gagas semayang
at 12:17 AM
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 ALHAMDULILLAH~ NANA SUDAH SELAMAT MELAHIRKANN! hahhahha. wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. baby nya baby boyy..
waaaaaaaaaaaa. aku mo pulaiii.. aku mo lyattttt.. uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ='( at 8:13 AM
Monday, February 16, 2009 haha cali sungguh video itu...yg lagi satu cali jua,yg tuts my barreh hahahah...hai smua,assalamualaikum...eseh...aku suka weather arine,panas..n akan beterusan panas utk hari2 yg seterusnya...ertinya nda batah g spring pas a2 summer...pas2 nda batah lagi kami balikkkk yeaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!iski bah...tadi pagi,aku ada meeting wif my group members, esok kami ada pesentation psl CSR...nervous ku eh esok ane,assessed lagi..semoga semuanya akan berjalan dgn lancar esk..standard jua kataku2 ane ah...wish me luck for tomorrow!=D
di bawah ini gambar2 anak2 buaku yg latest,yg laki2...irfan n ahwaz...mereka sudah besarr :') irfan la ketara basarnya..ahahah...masa ane umurnya 3bln+ la...badannya makin panjang,nanti udah basar lakas tinggi ni mcm cNadiyah... irfan...kajap2 mcm mua bapanya kajap2 mcm mamanya..ahahah mwah irfan! ane gambar ahwaz bakas mkn coklat m&m...bejabeh bah...hahaha kiut... mwah ahwash! at 2:44 PM
Sunday, February 15, 2009 at 11:16 PM
Thursday, February 12, 2009 at 7:18 AM
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 kalau kamu takut email kamu kana baca ka,kna slungkar2 ka pc kamu. cara nya cane saja..
hahhahahhahahha at 6:34 PM
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 MAMA, AKU MAKAN SOTO =') BABAH, AKU MAKAN SOTO. NENE2, AKU MAKAN SOTO. ANTY2,UNCLE2 AKU MAKAN SOTO! HAHAHA PEBRET KU WA TUU..nanti aku kan bljar masak nasi kabuli, nasi kuneng, nasi ayam haha. ne,nanti ajar aku!
and..aku baru dpt tau ari ane. lau kan apply kemana2 institusi di brunei atau kan melanjutkan pelajaran kluar negri, pakai HECAS ataupun Higher Education Centralised Admission System (Sistem Pengambilan Pusat Institusi Pengajian Tinggi). mcm UCAS ah bunyi2 nya haha. ah yth. mo cek web? http://www.hecas.edu.bn/ maju dh ah brunei. negri ku bah tu hahaha*bangga* ah tapi bbyr ganya haha na papa. aku dah lapas tu. haha. ok adik2 skalian haha smoga maju jaya meneruskan pjuangan dalam pljaran. "Tuntutlah ilmu biar sampai ke negeri China" eseseh at 6:44 PM
Sunday, February 8, 2009 today, we had our netball practice. eseh. and aku rasa..netball kali ane siok dari besa, aku pn na to napa. hahaha aku rasa lagi cam ada warm aura eseh. ntah la labu. hahaha. and it was snowing! mula2 kecik2 lpas tu labat ya. lps tu ilang ya. lps tu ada lagi halus2 ya. haha
itu dia cemah bgitu active skale haha goal tu ane la 1st gambar mlumpat aku bjaya mlumpat =) makaseh mah mngmbel nya. aku bgitu teharu haha lawa eh. tngi g 2 and ada urg balek ari ane haha. jetlag, tdo ya. and mama ku bge aku mknan,numan. *sobs* thanks mummy for all those =) and thanks ah sazwina membawakan. and thank you naqi, for the soya bean. i'm touched. i love you. mwah ♥♥♥ at 8:10 PM
aku rindu bilik ku! uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. aku mau pulaiiiiiii. hahahahahaha bilik ku bberapa hari sbelum belayar. haha. we'll see each other again. soon! at 1:20 PM
Saturday, February 7, 2009 hai masa ari atu, ada snowing lagi. skale nya class ku awl abes, so aku k st georges la sorng2 cam na gyla. aku nungu urg x ah *esen2*. lapas atu, ada g turun snow nya tuuuu. lps atu. aku gmbr2 la.sorng2 haha
lawa kan. ehem. ;) aku sorng so gmbr sorng laa hahha walk of fame haha itu tapak2 ku ukan tapak sulaiman.muahuaha jgn main2, kuat ne tgn ku ane haha tu snowing! tuuu mech eng building,sblh knan ah. dari blakang tu nickname ku =p at 5:10 PM
Friday, February 6, 2009 at 11:24 PM
Thursday, February 5, 2009 things to do/bring when playing with the snow: - pkai stukin tabal - pkai kasut kalis snow ahha sperti kasut field trip, workshop, boots, kasut phua chu kang! - bawa glove banyak2 - bawa camera haha - pkai jaket bulu2 spya snow mlakat arah bulu2 haha - main lah beramai2 sbb sapa tukang gambar! - tulis nama2 haha - buat snowman walaupun damet apa g ah? nanti aku tambah lau ada.. at 10:47 AM
Wednesday, February 4, 2009 happy birthday kerol! mkn byk2 na g bth posa. haha. rajin2 men bula. jgn drive duluuuuu. ko maseh damettt. hahhahhaha. jgn drive moto. krg ada pulisss.. hahhaha. malam2 jgn mkn. mnum saja. ko kiut udahh..krg mkin kiutttt. bljar rajin2. okkk... at 7:01 PM
Tuesday, February 3, 2009 hai smuaa...arine aku kn show op gmbar2 pokok2 yg ku gmbar..hahhaa..aku suka waaa gmbar pokok2 masa winter,masa snowing...sungguh cantek dari mnggambar diri sendiri...ahahha..lagi pun,snow ane nda slalu ada....aku amat2 appreciate d beauty of d sceneries masa snow..esesesesehh...ahahaha..dan lage,smua gmbar2 ane mengingatkn aku kpada creta2 korea...mcm dkorea tia rasaku nah romantis2..winter sonata..
ane dlm kawasan skolah saya,lawa kan buildingnya di bawah ane bkn plg gmbar pokok2,backgroundnya saja...ahahahha..ane aku testeng2 experiment ambel angle yg bagus n lawa...ahahaha staie bah aku atu salah satu dari masterpiece ku yg nda menjadi..haha..sore mal nda brapa nmpak ah ko..kamu notis nda blakang a2 kuburrrr waaaa brani c amal ato posing dakat kubur ahahha n lastly muha hamba yg iski bgambar bawah pokok hahaha at 10:39 PM
kmaren kame men snow d st georges mcm besa haha. p kale ane ckit ja, byk urg ada class and ada urg balek hahahaha.
basar and tinggi snowman nya ah snowbabies~ "dunia ini aku yg punyaaa" aku triak haha snowing g masa2. siok ohw ini dia snowman hasil gulungan rody dan nad dsambung ule c dane. dan dtmpal2 dan tacap2 ule cemah,amal,aku hahahha kpala nya besar~punggungnya besar~atas atu tupi ajinya tu haha 1st attempt haha. we love you all~ wish all of you were here~ =) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ at 5:54 PM
Monday, February 2, 2009 happy birthday to abg aji! ngam kan ka dd 3hb? smoga pjg umo jua lagi, sehat2, and muraaaaaaaaaaaah rezki brabessss. bbhgia slalo and dlm lindungan ALLAH.. atu ja. hehe nada gmbrrr. and takut salah aribulan haha at 11:02 PM
hai. aku happy. skale tadi aku main sorang2 snow dbawah. hahahha awu sian. thank u.
skale aku bdeo call sma c joleka sama czn ku dseria hahahhaha. skle ngam tya snowing wahhhhhhhhhh. kali drg nampakkk.. happy wahh..aku g tya.. hahahhaah p mana drg czns ku dkb. nada punn online langsong. hmmmmmm haha lawa?ane tem pagi2 kul 6.30 ane kul 10.30+. aku esen2 ke reception pintu reception kali aku lyat2 atas skliling, nada urg. line clear. aku buat nama ku. hahahahhahahahaha tanpa menggunakan sarung tgn. bgitu kebal nya aku ahhahahah. pas2 aku lyat keatas, ada tya cleaner yg buang smpah atu ari2 djndila. na apa. aku buat nada ja pas2 aku menyampati mnggmbr diri sndre. skale aku tdgr ada bunyi urg. aku laju2 nek hahaha rambutku ada snow. ukn kelemumur hahaha atu brigali tu nmpak cmatu haha aku laju2 gmbr kali kana email lecture kana cancel. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~ im happy as i can be haha tapi..detik demi detik, hari makin terang. uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. matahari sudah menampakkn diri nya. jgn lah pergiiiiiiiiiiiiiii snowwww.. uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa at 9:18 AM
nda lagi nda tabal bah snow ah,tnggalam kaki hamba c-amal d awang-awangan ahahha cantek eh haha ane c-aqim iski ada bebola snow d atas kepalanya haha that's our house,yg ada jendila damet d atas 2,yg no 2 sma 3 dari kanan,atulah bilikku sma bilik amal..tu ada c aqim ah dlm bilik haha video ini saya tujukan buat awg kerol yg berada dBrunei pada ketika ini..dengan ucapan,nda ko jeles kami main snow,snow turun labat masa ane...huahuahua...klau ko nda jeles nda plg ku heran 2...saja bah...rugi bah ko...nda dpt main hahhaha at 8:38 AM